Say goodbye to Hashimoto’s…
for good.
Whether you’re newly diagnosed or have been struggling with Hashimoto’s for years, you can completely eliminate it from your life without restrictive food diets, supplements, medication, or blood work.
Here’s proof you’re in the right place:
I have a 100% success rate with my students.

Say goodbye to Hashimoto’s…
for good.
Whether you’re newly diagnosed or have been struggling with Hashimoto’s for years, you can completely eliminate it from your life without restrictive food diets, supplements, medication, or blood work.
Here’s proof you’re in the right place:
I have a 100% success rate with my students.

Freedom from Hashimoto’s
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Sign up for support and real-life stories on women who have completely conquered their Hashimoto’s:

Go ahead. Imagine a life without Hashimoto’s.
Now imagine it happening in just 13 weeks.
Seems unbelievable, right?
After all, the picture your doctor paints for you is pretty hopeless: You’re going to have this condition forever, so you may as well get used to it. No sense trying to avoid the cabinetful of supplements, restrictive food diets, medications, constant lab testing, and blood work. From here on out – according to all the medical practitioners you’ve sought help from – your Hashimoto’s is here to stay.
But, what if it didn’t have to be this way?
What if – despite everything the professionals have told you – your body already has everything it needs to heal, and you just need the right guidance.
What if – instead of resigning yourself to a life of struggle and never feeling your best – you could find a real and lasting fix for your Hashimoto’s?
A better life is waiting for you.
I want you to know that there is hope. I teach women just like you how to permanently end their struggle with Hashimoto’s in 13 weeks – even if everything they’ve tried has failed.
I’m also known as The Hashimoto’s Expert for a reason: because I have a 100% success rate with my students.
It starts by understanding the root cause of Hashimoto’s. Contrary to what you’ve been told, the cause of your health issues is not the leaky gut, it’s not Epstein-Barr Virus, it’s not your genetics, gluten, GMOs, environmental toxins, bacteria, or pathogens.
It’s stress.
Stress, and stress alone, is what has caused your Hashimoto’s, and the ongoing stress in your life is the reason your body hasn’t been able to heal.
With that said, I’ll help you get your immune system back on track by eliminating chronic stress. And from there, your Hashimoto’s will resolve fully in a matter of weeks.

my story    
Hi, I’m Josie, The Hashimoto’s Expert, teacher, and mentor (frequently seen with binoculars in hand, watching beautiful birds).
Six years ago, I had Hashimoto’s and seven other autoimmune disorders. I remember what it was like to be stifled from being the best me, and how tiring it was to go from doctor to doctor, specialist to specialist, supplement bottle to prescription medication, never finding what was really wrong. Doctors thought I was a mystery; they told me I was just depressed, or that I was “fine” because my tests said so. Meanwhile, I just wanted the old Me back. This, a life of suffering from Hashimoto’s, was not what my life was supposed to look like. I felt like my life had stopped before it even had the chance to get started.
If this sounds like you, I want you to know there is hope and you’re in the right place.
Today, I’m completely Hashimoto’s and autoimmune disorder-free. And I want this for you too.
I have a 100% success rate with my students. That means that if you work with me, you can have 100% confidence that your Hashimoto’s will permanently resolve and no longer be in your body. And I’m not talking about it going into remission. I’m talking COMPLETELY. GONE.
Are you ready to stop managing symptoms and start living that life you’ve been waiting for? Then let me walk you down the same loving path of healing that I’ve traveled.

my story
Hi, I’m Josie, The Hashimoto’s Expert, teacher, and mentor (frequently seen with binoculars in hand, watching beautiful birds).
Six years ago, I had Hashimoto’s and seven other autoimmune disorders. I remember what it was like to be stifled from being the best me, and how tiring it was to go from doctor to doctor, specialist to specialist, supplement bottle to prescription medication, never finding what was really wrong. Doctors thought I was a mystery; they told me I was just depressed, or that I was “fine” because my tests said so. Meanwhile, I just wanted the old Me back. This, a life of suffering from Hashimoto’s, was not what my life was supposed to look like. I felt like my life had stopped before it even had the chance to get started.
If this sounds like you, I want you to know there is hope and you’re in the right place.
Today, I’m completely Hashimoto’s and autoimmune disorder-free. And I want this for you too.
I have a 100% success rate with my students. That means that if you work with me, you can have 100% confidence that your Hashimoto’s will permanently resolve and no longer be in your body. And I’m not talking about it going into remission. I’m talking COMPLETELY. GONE.
Are you ready to stop managing symptoms and start living that life you’ve been waiting for? Then let me walk you down the same loving path of healing that I’ve traveled.

“I have a life free from autoimmune diseases and have found my inner strength and peacefulness within.”
“The Hashimoto’s Fix does what it says it can do and so much more.
I came to the program with Hashimoto’s symptoms which included bad brain fog, seasonal depression, and the beginnings of joint pain and rheumatoid arthritis.
Through this program, I have been able to heal myself completely. I am physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually stronger.
This experience with Josie has changed my life. I have a life free from autoimmune diseases and have found my inner strength and peacefulness within.”
— Ann C.

Discover a real and lasting way to outgrow your Hashimoto’s.
No more managing symptoms or settling for a less-than-vibrant version of you. With my proven and ground-breaking program, The Hashimoto’s Fix, I’ll help you fully resolve your Hashimoto’s in just 10 weeks. The Hashimoto’s Fix is based on over 20 years of research and well-established science – and no-one else in the world is doing what I’m teaching. So, not only will you completely transform your life, but you’ll be a part of a movement to end Hashimoto’s for good (and that’s something to get excited about)!
Getting started is easy
Schedule a (complimentary) get-to-know-you call with me. We’ll use this time to learn more about each other and see if we’re a good fit.
Enroll in The Hashimoto’s Fix and completely eliminate your Hashimoto’s (without supplements, restrictive food diets, medication, bloodwork, or lab testing).
Get back to what you love to do in your life, fully healthy. (There really is no better feeling than this!)